Anti-Indians, Indians, True-Indians

Today’s front page headlines on ‘The Hindu’ read- ” Woman held for calling BJP government ‘fascist’. What a delectable sight it was, a rather surprisingly spring-full welcome to an otherwise torrid rainy day. Arrest of anti-Indians gives a certain peace of mind that otherwise only the ‘Computer Sambrani’ can give, which I do not use nowadays because of global warming.

The woman, Lois Sofia, 28, a research scholar deserves this punitive action. Doesn’t she? What business does she have in calling our rulers fascist? She must be a trenchant anti-Indian and a possible Pakistani(except her religion is a problem). The BJP’s intelligent leader rightfully linked her to ‘outlawed organisations’. Or else, who other than these ‘Indian-labelled-pakistanis’ and ‘activists-framed- maoists’ can utter such unholy wordings. Despite the BJP leader known for her scotland yard executive like intelligence finding about the terror link, the student Sofia has been just politely arrested and allocated a quarters in the magnificent Indian jail. So benevolently and magnanimously the Government has behaved even to an outlawed person and how can it be called ‘fascist’? Now, the ‘Independent Intelligent Indian Super-cops’ have started investigations and hope the real shady truths about the student tumbles out. Perhaps, this student can be handed over to the ‘Super-Supercops of Pune’, they may correctly link her with the ‘lost and found and lost’ letter planning to assassinate our most honourable, lovable, respectable, charitable, and deified Monarch. Already her name being linked to the five anti-Indians arrested last week are doing the rounds and is verified by the ‘Indian Institute of Pre-Eminence- The Whattsapp University’. Yet, the Government is so kind to place those 5 ‘activists-turned-anti-Indians in house arrest and this student in an aerated jail. And how can this Government , this Government can ever be called fascist? It would be equal to telling that Akbar won against Maharana Pratap in battle of Haldighati. Everything is false. Only the Whattsapp Universities and the Lynch Mobs know the truth.

Take for example, some two years a Kanhaiya Kumar and his banditry of some 100 odd students vociferously raised slogans against Government for its apathy towards suicide of a Dalit student, Rohit Vemula. They resorted to rabble-rousing and even sang songs on ‘Azaadi’! How dare they? Thankfully our government found out their extremist links and jailed them under the Victorian era Section-124A(sedition). Or else, NAB go-SWAMI, the best journalist in our country reported, they could have bombed and toppled the government. Imagine 100 students holding 1.3 billion people to gunpoint. Very much possible right? How brilliant of the Government that they acted in the right moment and saved the whole India. The Government deserved appreciation but the blind activists called it fascist. Thankfully, the Indians do not believe the activists. For we have such weightless beautiful heads over our shoulders.

Some months ago an 8 year old Muslim teen was raped and killed in a temple. It was really harrowing and disturbing to imagine such an act. Yet our most honourable, lovable, respectable, charitable, and deified Monarch remained silent. When the holy god in the temple remained silent why should our most honourable, lovable, respectable, charitable, and deified Monarch speak. There must be a reason behind all these, isn’t it? Yet these, religion-less, devotion-less, and heart-less anti-Indians call these acts as fascist.

Dr. Manmohan Singh connived with Pakistan to assasinate our most honourable, lovable, respectable, charitable, and deified Monarch, yes, he must have. Rahul Gandhi is corrupt, immature, and a drug addict, he should be. Amartya Sen, Arundhati Roy and the likes are fools, they are. Rana Ayyub is a porn star, she is. Wow! The Indians understand the worth of life. Hail Lord Ram, we Indians are truly gifted intellectually.

Dante once said “the hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis, preserve their neutrality”. But we are not neutral but we are brilliantly silent. Muzzled by our own conscience.

The greatest trait of the present day- silence, has silenced many voices like Rohit Vemula, Asifa, Gauri Lankesh, Rakbar Khan. How can this Government be called fascist, when it has only insisted silence.

They deserve, all the jobless and worthless ‘activists-turned-anti-Indians’ like Teesta Setalvad, Varvara Rao, Sudha Bharadwaj, Vernon Gonsalves, Anand Teltumbde, and Lois Sofia deserve to be jailed.

I can see a colourful happy India unveiling and the acche-din arriving. I must earnestly say, all Indians deserve this government for our esteemed silence except for some uneducated activist section of our country.

Oh! How intoxicating this pleasant and free India is. It makes me seriously wonder whether I should lodge at jail as I cannot take this, this too much goodness given by the proclaimed ‘True Indians’.

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