Are You A Nazi?

One good day, which rarely occurs, my vivacious sister and her efficacious arguments TRUMPED me and successfully MODIfied my views on God. This enlightenment occurred after we watched a documentary on Nazi Germany together, it was indeed a bad move as a wrong turn of thoughts started developing in my mind after that. “SUUKI”, yes, I should be. She shrugged, “Who cares, I told am happy”. Though insulted I realized, LADEN with immense prosperity and goodness, it was really bad to PUTIN such scepticism regarding the presence of a supernatural entity. Then I embarked on a journey within myself to prepare a list of the deities I should download on my phone for thanking them every day. Still unclear on what specific reason should I thank since there were many reasons to thank. Should I thank them for showing no interest on delivering me on earth when they were playing Hide and Seek with Hitler and Atom Bomb, or should I deliberately eulogise the divinity for having made me a witness for this venerated 21st century; an era where the world’s most powerful country has rid of crookedness in its entirety due to the arrival of a godly leader, saffron has hallowed the world’s biggest democracy and an outspoken muted woman is renowned as the symbol of peace live amongst me. An honour bestowed upon me by God.

By now, intemperate over my profligate praises about the sacred world, I forced my punitive expedition of reckless writing to end by borrowing some wisdom from my sister. “We have thousands of Gods, select the one you like and thank him effusively”. Strictly adhering to the code of conduct as she warned of dire consequences if I flayed, which included a Mughalic style of being blinded during sleep, I decided to select one. At least I should feel happy for having something or maybe someone to blame and thank,  and save myself from being called crooked, anti-Indian, illegal immigrant and blindness. I can hunker down and say, Oh! God, you have saved me from imprisonment; now am your prisoner and you can paint me with your favourite colour. But save me from my guilt of being a coward for turning out to be just another individual venting his anger through words rather deeds.

In our country, the joy of being independent is often replaced with the perturbation over violent storms of bloodletting across states. Shaking off the disquietude and stepping into reacting , we are often left hapless as the whole India is haemorrhaging innocent lives. East to West or North to South, democracy and equality has turned out to be just an appendage to the various intransigent governments functioning with one motto. We live in a country where all forms of iniquity are practised. Poor citizens sandwiched between a constitution which offers fundamental equality and government uprooting that nucleus of hope.

Our country has turned to be one where leaders buy democracy with Mahatma on paper in one hand and garlands for his killer in the other hand. Enthusiastic gau-rakshaks lynch innocents and commissioned income tax officials prey on targets with absolute autonomy and later enjoy extravagant gifts for their acts. Dogmatic religious views and bigotry have become the rule of the day. And more appalling is to stand witness to such events and see people falling again at those egregious ideas with content.

This made me wonder, are we aping the populist factions which existed in the Nazi days. Devoid of rational thinking and immersing in falsity, we have failed to understand that our ruler is a smart lion who cleverly uses his cows to divide and rule.

Worrying about these controversial ideas regarding patriotism and regular recrudescence of thoughts inciting communal violence when the election nears, made me ask, Are you a NAZI?

Knock that little door on your heart, wake your snoring brain and casually ask him a question. “Are you a Nazi?”, if NO! tell him to get ready for the brave battle which you can afford on twitter. YES!, sorry for having asked the right question, let your brains to sleep which it usually does, I have for you people a gift from my sister’s collection, a photo of “Gau Matha”. Usher in happiness! We all live in the saffron Nazi era.  

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