If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified…
India, an enduring Democratic state with a politically sensitive population, always indicated a significant focus on the growth of agriculture and the plight of its peasants. Be it Nehru, Indira…
The day was 26 January, ‘the new head of state, Rajendra Prasad, took the salute in what was to become an annual and ever more spectacular parade. Three thousand men…
The legion of incidents over the past four years has driven home an idea surreptitiously: resist the brunt, raise your voice, and you feel the pinching heat. We may not…
The Supreme Court in its latest judgment has refused to refer the Ayodhya land dispute to a constitutional bench (5 Judge Bench) and has stuck to its earlier contentious line:…
My day has become darker, and my mind filled with your thoughts, My eyes search for you, though I know the air has taken you into her, Breathing in and…
When the Sun fed the Moon’s arrival, When the sky started to bleed its color, When the stars started to ring the night’s doorbell, When every eye on the World…
Years have rolled on, and seasons changed, I lie on a bow of arrows whose pain avers my existence, Her distant image brings glimpses of happiness, but thoughts of recrudescence…
When life has become still, Why am I still alive? Around, the flower forgets to color itself, Still, my eyes beam with radiance. The Sun has gone to eternal sleep,…