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Hate speech and freedom of expression
If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind Mill (On Liberty)Freedom is the motivation that drives individual human beings to search for answers and fulfillment in their mortal life. The…
Section 377
"I am what I am, so take me as I am", resonates across the new 'Rainbow India'. The strapping of human society based on sexuality was torn down and a new colourful shawl embellishing diversity was draped on India by the Supreme Court yesterday. It would be apposite to call the decriminalising of homosexuality a…
My day has become darker, and my mind filled with your thoughts, My eyes search for you, though I know  the air has taken you into her, Breathing in and breathing out,  your scent, Can't I breathe my life in you? I am left wailing here in need of your caressing arms. You carried me…
When The Sun Fed The Moon
When the Sun fed the Moon’s arrival, When the sky started to bleed its color, When the stars started to ring the night’s doorbell, When every eye on the World vanished into their world, Why did mine get lost in the clear face of yours, oh Moon! My nights have become longer, Why don’t you…
The Mirage
Years have rolled on, and seasons changed, I lie on a bow of arrows whose pain avers my existence, Her distant image brings glimpses of happiness, but thoughts of recrudescence of love suck the faintest existence of my life. The moon who comes to my doorstep and the cuckoo who coos at my window are…
The Eternal Call
When life has become still, Why am I still alive? Around, the flower forgets to color itself,  Still, my eyes beam with radiance. The Sun has gone to eternal sleep, darkness looms, But yet sunshine falls on me? Breeze stopped its flight, depriving life, And here I am yearning for lesser breath. Corpses fill the…

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