When the things around us change their tide, it doesn't mean we are in difficult waters, it signifies our endurance is being tested. A highly ludicrous thought swaying in the Earthman minds is that the world is a stage set for the survival of the fittest to survive. Why would we compete with someone who…
Anyone who watched scrupulously the Modi Sarkar unfold over the last four years would have no contradictions with the title. For others struck by selective amnesia when the nation was sordidly turned into a demonic hotchpotch, I pity them. For the shock is going to be ruder when they realize that the axe they were…
Jack Dorsey, CEO, Twitter was in the news for holding a placard with words 'Smash Brahminical Patriarchy'. It was gifted to him by women activists with whom he had a closed-door meeting on his visit to India. It triggered the 9-6 troll mobs who slandered him and labelled him as a racist. The reason why…
India, a heaven on earth where people build their lives on banks of federalism and secularism rather on unjust prejudices. A nation where a Chaiwala can become Prime Minister and an Aam Aadmi Chief Minister. Souls are many, cultures different, colour varied but the hearts of 1.2billion beat to one rhythmic tone 'India'. When even…
There is a popular notion around the world, especially in India, that eulogises the act of being a 'Vegetarian' and derides the 'Non-Vegetarians'. Vegetarianism is acknowledged with reverence whereas non- vegetarianism is considered barbaric and inhumane. Non-vegetarians include those 'soulless monsters' who eat anything from mammals, aquatic beings, insects, to everything which can walk, jump,…
The legion of incidents over the past 4 years has driven home an idea surreptitiously; resist the brunt, raise your voice, you feel the pinching heat. We may not have been directly associated with the idea but this idea and its ideology has become a veritable Frankenstein monster, growing to its full size. The results…
"The non- Hindu people in Hindustan must either adopt the Hindu culture and language, must learn to respect and hold in reverence Hindu religion, must entertain no ideas but those of glorification of the Hindu race and culture, i.e., they must not only give up their attitude of intolerance and ungratefulness towards this land and…