If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind (Mill, On Liberty) Freedom is the motivation which drives individual human beings to search for answers and fulfilment in their mortal life.…
Year 2020
To prevent the weaker members of the community from being preyed upon by innumerable vultures, it was needful that there should be an animal of prey stronger than the rest, commissioned to keep them down. But as the king of the vultures would be no less bent upon preying on the flock than any of…
At face value the relation between vulnerability and a crisis looks very apparent but I want to look at the different ways in which it can evolve by looking at a unique relationship that has brimmed when vulnerable people met with COVID- 19. The vulnerable have suffered the most but ironically, they also have become…