The Eternal Call

When life has become still,

Why am I still alive?

Around, the flower forgets to color itself,

 Still, my eyes beam with radiance.

The Sun has gone to eternal sleep, darkness looms,

But yet sunshine falls on me?

Breeze stopped its flight, depriving life,

And here I am yearning for lesser breath.

Corpses fill the spaces around, stinking,

But I smell of fragrance over me. Why?

Oh! And there you lay before me, My Love,

But why do my eyes wet themselves,

When you are in my hold and your divine flesh is rubbing me.

I feel the chill when my heart beats in melancholy,

My heart wanted to stop, but I wanted to stay,

Oh, Thee! you took my life with you,

And my soul searching ever for it,

Now, weigh my heart a thousand kilos

And my life a mere formality.

Pause a moment, she is on her way,

And why am I still lingering here?

The height of distance seems small in the scale of our love

Alas! the pain that my head receives with the floor is a sweet memory of yours.

The world came to life,

Buzzing around the bloodbath of mine!

Happy I am to join you and hold you.

Gift me a thousand deaths if that all meant, I could join you!

Categories: Uncategorized
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