“The non- Hindu people in Hindustan must either adopt the Hindu culture and language, must learn to respect and hold in reverence Hindu religion, must entertain no ideas but those of glorification of the Hindu race and culture, i.e., they must not only give up their attitude of intolerance and ungratefulness towards this land and its age long traditions but must also cultivate the positive attitude of love and devotion instead- in one word, they must cease to be foreigners, or may stay in the country, wholly subordinated to the Hindu nation, claiming nothing, deserving no privileges, far less any preferential treatment- not even citizen’s rights”
-M.S.Golwalkar, RSS ideologue.
What relevance does this generous verbatim writing of M.S.Golwalkar, an RSS ideologue and father of Hindutva thought, hold for today?
Connections are many but to disclaim it or disingenuously discredit the commonness will sound naive, as the entire script of his words is being unfolded through a set of recurring events by the current ruling dispensation. It is no mere coincidence that with the onset of the rule of 56-inch man, there grew an assertion of ‘Hindu Identity’ across India and its concomitant, oppression of minorities, especially Muslims. The laboratory of hate, fear, and oppression that India has been turned into is a deliberate policy of the party in power to further the goals of their Hindutva ideology. The dreams of Golwalkar seems to be the final stop India is headed to and it indicates an ominous Armageddon.
The recent spate of mob lynching in the name of cow reeks of this nefarious Hindutva ideology. Nearly 90% of the victims have been Muslims and the reason for their unfortunate killing- a cow! The BJP has no qualms about hiding their unfathomable love for the cows, the cow is worshipped in Hindu religion, and introduced various measures to curb its slaughter and a carte-blanche to the ‘Gau-Rakshak’ louts. Banning of Oxytocin and a near extinction of cow slaughterhouses were just appendages to their main actions. In fact, a ‘Fast Moving Consumer Goods’ enterprise, Patanjali, has gone on to amass net worth of $6 billion in the past 4 years. The culprit, an orange-clad Baba and his knowledge about nutrients in cow urine and cow dung.
But there seems to be a big contradiction in all these actions. These humble desh bakhts, saccha Hindus, cow loving and cow protecting demi-gods, and wide chest fellas do not seem to adhere to this theme in letter and spirit.
India has jumped from the 4th spot in 2008 to the top slot in the export of beef. The value of carabeef market has grown exponentially under these cow lovers and is set to become a 40,000cr market by 2020. Regardless of this, thousands of cows die every year due to a negligent policy of the cow loving Government. Plastics in guts, shrinking grazing lands, and unhygienic habitats have nearly devoured the cow population. Why are the Gau-rakshaks, the esteemed graduates of Whatsapp university, and doctorates of propaganda gone silent on these matters? What happened to their love and devotion now?
Their love for the cows is just a masquerade to terrorize and push the ‘Others’ to the brink. There is nothing new about this selective love for protecting cows, this tradition has been repeated in multifarious ways the 1890s, 1920s, and 1940s- Muslims were riled, stalked, and attacked for beef consumption whereas Europeans were gleefully watched, consuming the same, the orange brigade was at the helm of this even then!
Theirs is no love for cows but a hate for Muslims. A hate for India which enables freedom to every individual and community to do what they like to. Peculiarly this hate for Muslims is restricted to India alone as it is Hindustan which they find a hallowed turf for the exclusive living of Hindus. Unsurprisingly Golwalkar’s words reverberate here: The non- Hindu people in Hindustan must either adopt the Hindu culture and language, must learn to respect and hold in reverence Hindu religion.
Some months ago, a militant ‘Monkey Sena’ were on the streets to protect the honour of a 15th century ‘Hindu Queen’. Hurling abuses, setting vehicles on fire, and open threats marked their naked rampage of terror. Ostensible in the name of protecting culture they denigrated the ethos of Puranas and Vedas which abhors violence. Their schizophrenia reached savage distinctions when these honourable and honour protecting louts attacked a bus carrying schoolchildren.
Their entire problem was a ‘Dream Sequence’. They dreamt of the Muslim King Khilji and Hindu Queen Padmaavati sharing a prurient interest, where? In another ‘Dream Sequence’. Uncharacteristically the ‘Dream Sequence’ was really non-existent yet they did not stop their ‘Cassandra Cries’, and roused up an unscientific and obnoxious term ‘Love Jehad’. Ironically, one of the leaders of this ‘Monkey Sena’ who lead this honourable movement was himself a rape convict, out on bail. This incident in its intent and desired result was no different from the Kathua rape case- an 8-year Muslim girl was abducted and raped in a Hindu temple. The similarities are many, ruling dispensation provided lip service to restrain it and even condoned it. The 56-inch chest dictator even went mute about it.
Even more mortifying after the Kathua rape was that, ‘Kathua Girl Rape’ was trending in the search boxes of leading porn sites in India. And this makes me sometimes ascertain that this populace of India really deserves BJP and the sufferings.
Protectors of Women, Gatekeepers of Cultural Purity, and Servants of Ethos are just self-indicted terms to hide their vile elements and fragments. In fact, no wonder their slogan of ‘Beti Bachao’ has become ‘BJP sey Beti Bachao’ after the spate of rape involving BJP legislators. It is no intelligence secret that, our 56-inch chest dictator himself vacillates on acknowledging his wife and was caught in a snoop gate involving a 30-year-old architect. Their only problem is the fear of a composite culture and a national unity and honestly, in maintaining the honour of women, their record is more pungent. A Composite Culture they feel may happen if they let all religions to mix with each other and hence they create an invisible barrier by resorting to slander and libel against specific communities. In the words of Golwalkar: they must not only give up their attitude of intolerance and ungratefulness towards this land and its age long traditions but must also cultivate the positive attitude of love and devotion.
Going by what BJP stands for, it is totally incorrect to judge Shah Of Lies when he says, his party alone has the guts to release the National Register of Citizens. The 1200cr exercise carried out to mark 40 lakh people as not citizens of India or as immigrants were just one of their acts in their Hindutva playbook. Just a glossary look of the missing people on the list gives the intention for displaying such raw guts. Nearly all of those whose names are missing belong to the Muslim community. It is such an ignominy that India resorts to such a malicious campaign to drive out people who rightfully belonged to India before partition estranged us from our sister states Pakistan and Bangladesh. Now to call them immigrants is to throw a towel on the entire Indian Civilization and have a petty laugh at it. Which in fact BJP is doing astutely. Their madness and fear psychosis is about one community-Muslims and one them- Hindu Rashtra. And this pretty much adheres to Golwalkar’s thought: in one word, they must cease to be foreigners or may stay in the country, wholly subordinated to the Hindu nation, claiming nothing, deserving no privileges, far less any preferential treatment- not even citizen’s rights.
So the question of ‘Whither India’ looks pale and gloomy today. India is not going towards a future as desired by the freedom struggle or as laid by the visionaries after Independence. India is walking towards a vituperative society where malaise and maladies will be the rule of the land. Where dissent and freedom will be curtailed for subjugation and violence. India is looking at a Golwalkar, Savarkar, and an RSS dream- A Hindu Rashtra or to be more intelligible, A Hindu Pakistan. No wonder, the Jinnah of this land will be the brandishing 56-inch chest dictator.
At this outset, it is worth wondering, is the Independence day needs to be really celebrated? When the very ideals on which our Independence was won: civil liberties, secularity, democracy, equal rights, and social emancipation is being smashed like egg shells, is it really an Independence Day which needs celebrating? Come 2019, the future of India will change forever. It may either painfully and arduously revert back to its glory or easily go on to become what Golwalkar wanted.
Pity those souls who still believe and are waiting for the ‘acche din’. The ‘acche’ din are long over!
Wither India: to an inevitable ‘Armageddon’ and to b